"5 Steps to Attract the Love of Your Life Without Mind Games Or Pretending You're Someone You're Not"


See what results others have gotten:

And Check Out All These...

"Thank you so much. I met with your program almost two years ago. Then I realized what I was doing wrong dating (lots of things! everything!) and what to do instead.

Very soon after realizing that, I met and attracted such a wonderful person (huge hearted, high quality man) and all the women around him secretly wanted him. But he chased me while all of them chased him!

We started dating and after 6 months he proposed to me and now we are married. 

If I could do it then there is no reason why any other woman could not do the same. I work on the construction site. I'm an engineer. Not the most feminine of jobs you could think of!"

- Zagreb

"I decided to join and dumped a waster I was seeing and met a really great guy. I've met the most amazing guy and using the program he's already telling me that he wants to be with me and he loves me and we've only been dating for 2 weeks!!

The program is absolutely amazing. I don't have to play games or pretend I'm someone I'm not. This guy likes me for who I am and truly accepts me."

- Christina

"I am now in a happy long term healthy relationship thanks to Matt. I spent so much time dating focusing on my outside personality that I failed to connect on a real level.

Being honest and vulnerable opened up a whole new world following Matt’s advice as to how and when to do that was key as well."

- Meghan

"I'm enjoying the fact about learning how to phrase the questions by posing and setting up the scene to ask them. I have been successful with the man I am seeing with everything that you have been teaching. I have been looking for this kind of relationship quality with a quality man for years. I want to express my deepest respect and appreciation for your helping me find the right things to say and do. Thank you just isn't enough.

It has benefited my life a lot. I have learned how to talk to guys in general and one specific and special man is my goal in keeping close to me. He is interested in keeping the flames burning with me as well. Thanks to this program."

- Anita

And Even More Successes...

"This program works! I found a boyfriend, we dated, he proposed to me today! I'm so happy!"

- Emily

"I thank Matthew so much. His program changed my life. His advice and techniques are invaluable. Easy to understand and implement."

- Kim

"I'm a whole new woman because of your program!"

- Sonya

"Matt, thank you for your program. Going through it has really helped me get over and cope with the damage from my ex husband and have helped me to be a better woman for my now fiance of a year. We've been able to look past the damage from our ex's and our pasts. We're better together and as individuals, for ourselves and for each other. I hope God blesses you greatly for the blessings you've been to us.

Thank you!"

- Rachel and Colton

Let's Not Forget About These Women...

"This program is superb, I am a beginner in it but it helped me to get in touch with myself and i realized that how I have been shutting myself to love. Ever since watching the videos, I started to see men having interest in approaching me for love.

I was giving up in my love life but the program has given me hope that there is still love out there waiting for me to take hold of it. To personally change inside and also my attitude towards love, men and relationships.

It has made me to realize that I can still fall in love and get the kind of love that I have always being dreaming of.

It has revived my attitude towards relationships and made me realize that love is possible and I can be happy in a relationship as long as I know the right things to do with my man. I am now positive towards having a relationship that will last."

- Kgomotso

"You helped me go from an abusive mind set my ex husband did to me. To a mind set that I am worth something to someone. My current boyfriend is very patient. I am not ready for marriage but you have helped me out a lot. So I say thank you."

- Phyllis

"Update from me about Mr Hickey man. So I kicked him to the curb . He kept pulling me in close and then away. I watched a lot of Helena and Matthew videos and leaned back into my femininity and really gave the situation a lot of thought. He really wasnt giving me what I needed and so when he said he was having commitment issues and wanted a FWB relationship I said no and used one of Matthew Coasts responses. I wrote it down and sent it to him. I redid my Facebook dating app and decided to change my approach to who I was “liking” and met someone two hours later. We’ve been on three dates and he treats me the way I want to be treated, so far so good. He makes time for me and his actions match his words. He’s a little younger than me, is a little shorter than me, loves my curves and I could not be happier. Thank you"

- Rhonda

Copyright © Matthew Coast. All Rights Reserved.